Monday, January 2, 2012

A Bright Shiney New Year to Waste!

Good morning Party People! I thought I'd wait a few days after the New Year to write so as to give everyone a chance to recover from their hangovers.

I spent the new year's eve by working, normally that would be just another depressing facet of working in the restaurant biz but this year I was working for me. This is a big thing, it kind of started the year off right for me, knowing at the drop of the ball I was holding my sweetie in one hand, my camera in the other all the while being on the clock for my own business.

That night I was filming at Club Fulfilled. In case you were wondering, it's a club for larger sized people, a place where you don't have to feel like an outsider just because of your size. I found this place about a year ago and have gone quite a few times to dance. What? Yes to dance! I found out last year that I really love dancing, there's a euphoric feeling that comes over me about 30 seconds after I start moving and shaking, a kind of euphoria that I've yet to find anywhere else in my life. I think performing on stage it the only thing that is more intense for me if that gives you an idea.

I didn't get to dance as much as I'd like to that night as it's hard to hold a camera steady while moving your hips back and forth at un-christian speeds. So I had to divide my time up on the dance floor. Now there are a lot of things I could say about that night, a lot of good things and a lot of bad so I'll just say this Party People.

You get one shot at this life, just one.

When the music is playing and there's a dance floor that's empty why the hell would you be content to sit in the shadows and wait for something good to come your way? If you're at a job you don't like why would you stay there when you know there's something better out there for you? Why would you hold back living your life, getting the most out of it, when you know hat the more you wait the less life you ave to live!

There are a lot of things out there saying that this is the year that it all ends. I see and hear about how there are so many of us that are planning for it all to end, to survive in a post apocalyptic world so their genes can pass on to the next generation. My question is this. If all you can plan for in this life is how it will end, then what makes you think you'll be happy after it all does? It reminds me of an old man who spent all of his time working just so he can retire and be secure, only to find out that he hates not working and retirement is hell for him. It sounds like a waste. He didn't get it, like most of us don't. We get one shot at this life as the person you are right now!

So if this is our last year, let no dream go unrealised! Lets live everyday like it was meant to be lived, like a gift from God that is not to be wasted! If the world ended tonight and I was sent up to the gates of Heaven and they asked me,"Did you make to most of the time you had?"

I'd say," There was a about 10 years where I didn't, where I lost my way, but the last 6 years I made the most out of it.It was those last six where I got it right and I have no regrets about anything I did. Thanks for the time guys, I made sure it wasn't wasted."

It's about 9:15 am at the time of this post, what are you going to do with the rest of your day?

Till next time Party People,
Keep on a Chooglin!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Final Stretch before Stretching and Sketching

Happy Post Holiday Party People!

This is truly he most magical time of the year for me. We've just endured another Holiday season where we look back at all the things we had in previous Christmases and wonder if we'll ever be that happy again towards a true Holiday that is made specifically for adults,New Year's Eve! Before I go further I'm not coming down on X-mas to be a scrooge or a Grinch about the festivities, but you have to admit the Holiday never seems to have the same magic about it when you're an adult as opposed to when you were seven. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't bombarded with a barrage of images and songs that seems to force us to accept the fact that we "Have" to be happy. I think my cousin had the right idea about it all, he took his kids to Magic Mountain to enjoy X-mas while watching his kids scream in terror as they take the 22 story drop on the dreaded Viper rollarcoaster! He got to create memories for his kids that will last them the rest of their lives...some people would call those scars ^^

In all seriousness though I think its great that my cousin did that. When I think back to a Christmas that really meant  a lot to me is was when we were living back in Norwalk Cali and my cousin was living in Montebello and we usually spent 3-5 days a week at each others house. That year my brother Drew was with us and it was all of us together under one roof, just us kids playing,staying up to late, and trying not to get in trouble with our parents. That night after we fell asleep our parents placed our presents under the tree and when we woke up the magic of Christmas was alive and well in the hearts and minds of those four children and more than likely in the souls of the three adults in that house.

Maybe that's what I'm missing in all of this, kids. I try not to think about that too much as when I do I get all weepy. I think that just comes from being in my thirties, thirty six to be precise. I still have time right? I tell myself for a few reasons, one to reassure myself that I don't need to be in any rush to have kids, and two so I don't put a bunch of baby making pressure on my sweetie. Seriously it's only been a few months ,can you imagine?

"Hey I know we barely know each other but what do you think of ki- hey where you going? Come back!"

OK enough about x-mas and babies and such, If I write about it anymore I think I might start a menstrual cycle or some shit.

Back to the holiday for adults, New years eve! This one I can really get behind! It's all about having to look back at the previous year and seeing everything you didn't like then making a plan for the next one. My only regret about this holiday is that I think I should be asking these questions of myself more than just once a year. Then again maybe we all have to be drunk in a crowded room to handle the gravity of that question, so I guess what I'm saying is that I need to start drinking more. wow this blog is going nowhere I wanted it to go this morning lol.

OK I'm just going to end it with this, as much as X-mas has been tough for me over the past few years, and as tough as this one was supposed to be, it was great. I got to have a simple dinner with my Mom,my Sis, and my Sweetie! We all had a great time and laughed our asses off and more importantly to me all of my favorite gals seemed to really like each other. That in itself was the best gift I could have had this year.

Till next time Party People,
Keep on a Chooglin.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It can only mean one thing.

Morning Party People!

I made it a point to get up about two hours before I have to be at work in order to do something creative. Think of it like going for a jog or yoga, only it's for my artistic muscle...that sounded weird. Either way I'm up and clicking away at my keyboard for something other than porn and to be honest it feels amazing, the writing not the porn. Now I need to think of something personal and meaningful to share with you this morning, something that might mean as much to you the reader as it did to me the writer.

I noticed I'm going through more toilet paper these days. Could it be because a change in my diet? Have I been eating an abundance of Taco Bell? Or perhaps its for the same reason any guy starts going through more toilet paper than he's used to? That's right Party People I have a new girlfriend!

What can I say she's awesome, smart, funny and above all other wonderful qualities, she's really into me ^^ Now all I have to do is make sure she never gets to know the real me and we'll be together for awhile! Wait that's not right, come to think of it that's my usual MO. Maybe I should dump all of my crap on her and see if she stays? Come to think of it, that rarely works.

" I see your tenderness and affection and I'll raise you my psychosis and angst! I dare you to care bitch!"

I think I've walked in those shoes for long enough and the destination was nowhere near where I ever wanted to be. It led me to many wonderful gals that were in my life yet left me in a place where I was afraid to let any of those gals get close to me. In the end I was in a crowded room feeling completely alone. If I was lucky enough I'd find someone that I would pretend I could be with but lacking the will to ever take the next step.

If I wasn't feeling like Mr.Tragic I was Mr.Hopeless. Mr.Hopeless jumped into a relationship without ever checking the depth of what he just jumped into. Holy shit it's taken me forever to find a middle ground in all of this! Well I've been seeing this gal for a few months now and I'm proud to say that I haven't done any of the usual crap that I've been prone to in the past. In that respect I think I'm using the same pattern as the one in my artistic endeavors. Meaning it's all one baby step at a time.

So whats the next step? The same as it was before this relationship started. I need to book a paying gig for the production company, I need more than anything to make the transition from living off of what I've been doing to what I've always wanted to do. I need to keep moving forward towards a life that I've always wanted. I want to be able to share a life that I'm happy with as opposed to my former relationships where I shared a life I felt no joy in. It'll all happen, one baby step at a time.

Till next time Party People,
Keep on a Chooglin!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Looking behind The Green Curtain

Today is going to be a great day today. How do I know this? Simple, it's the last day off I have for about a week! So today I intend to get the most out of it by focusing on my work as opposed to playing around in the land of Skyrim.

I had an idea of what I wanted to write about this morning when I sat down but now the idea seems to be slipping away. I guess I'll start with what's been the most difficult thing to deal with lately.

You would think I would be bitching about money and I could but that's not the biggest problem I'm facing . The biggest problem I'm facing is the battle to rewrite how I live my life on a subconscious level. Meaning breaking bad habits and forming new ones. Come to think of it, I already know how to do that and have done that before. I think it's goes a little deeper than that. Remember when you were a kid and you were riding a bike with your friends? I always think of a jump that I was afraid to do but after I did it I knew it was in my realm of possibility or abilities as it were. At some point there would be another jump that would come along that I wasn't able to do and as such a boundary was created. I find myself being angry when I find those boundaries in my own life, especially since I don't remember putting them there.

So what's the next step? I'm not going to spend a perfectly good day off focusing on what I can't do, I already know what I can't do, today is about finding out about what I can do. So I'm going to edit some more, I'm going to write some more music and when I look back on today my boundaries will have shifted. The old me fuggin hates when I do shit like this ^^

Till next time Party People
Keep on a Chooglin!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Midnight Filming !!

Before you ask the answer is yes, Midnight Filming Day/Night is a "thing" if by a "Thing" you mean something I just made up. I just spent the last two hours getting shots done for an idea I had a week ago. Truth be told I've been thinking about this for quite sometime. It's an idea I had awhile back, which was to wear my trench coat and fedora out in a neighborhood in the middle of the night.

Ok so is this some legendary idea? No ...well I wish it was but more than likely it's been done many times before and will be done many more in the future. What won't ever happen is my take on this image, that's what makes ideas so special, Many people can have the same idea but they're never exactly alike, there is always some element, some detail that makes it the creator's own. Take recipes for example. You can have 5 chefs make the same dish and each one will have a different taste to it even though they are using the same structure.

So this is my idea that I sent in motion tonight, I've shot a few videos before but this is something different as in much as I was the one supplying the content. This means that I'm putting more of myself out there. Now I know this is probably sounding bigger than it really is but I think this is one of those baby steps that I really don't want to ignore. You see as much as I believe that a lot of the divine inspiration comes from out sub-conscious I think a lot of our habits good and bad come from there too. So any time we take a step against our status quo of life we should stop and celebrate it. Is it ego? Is it pride? It can become that is we're not careful but in the end it's a reward system that tells us that we noticed that we did something good.

Think of it this way, you ever have an A-hole boss that only talks to you when they're pissed? More than likely we won't ever give that guy 100% and why would we? It's not like he'd notice right? Well if you're fortunate to have a boss like I've had that tells you when you do a good job as well as when you make a mistake you'd find that you'd break your back for him. We're the boss of our own lives in this respect and the sub-conscious is the worker we need to motivate. I guess all that time managing is starting to pay off ^^

So the footage should be imported in an hour or so, after that I have some voice over work to do as well as some music to put with it...and of course the editing =) With any luck I can have a video to show you guys in a day or so.

Till then Party People,
Keep on a Chooglin!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Art of the Artless

You'll have to excuse me for today's title, sometimes I can think of something witty, other days it's all I can do to just think.

So how about some good news first eh? I start my orientation at the new job tomorrow! I'm really excited to work there, truth be told I always used to wonder what it would be like to work at that resort as I drove past it year after year. On top of that I might have a job at a super swanky place up in Sco-Town!

Ok so at this point in time I'm not living the life of a producer/artist but even still I'm miles ahead from where I started this whole change. I still have a few films under my belt and I have some open mic nights to look back apon (and there will be more I can promise you that). So where'd I end up after Host? I left a job that allowed me to pay my bills for a job that might have been able to cover my basic bills but in the end it didn't.

So here's me, rent is past due and I probably have a week or two before I start losing things like my phone and internet and what have you. I'm in a bad spot right? Holy shit, time to panic right? Perhaps at one time that's what I would've done but after going through so much shit I find that your mind will either say,"Fuck it, just give up." Or it says," I've been through worse, wake me when it's something I can't handle." Needless to say my mind chose the latter. Funny how I left a job I no longer enjoyed to a job that didn't seem to like me to two jobs that I hope will invite me in for coffee.

Hey did you guys see that movie "The Fighter"? I watched it for what was supposed to be only a few minutes but after two minutes I was glued for the duration.Christian Bale did an amazing job with his role. The relationship between his character and his brother really hit a chord with me. Funny how a movie can remind you of the best and worst parts or a relationship. It made me want to fly up to Montana and give my brother a hug. Now keep in mind that movie wasn't a direct comparison to my brother and I's relationship, it just had a lot of similarities.

I would have called him but when the movie was done it was like 4:45 am or something like that. Insteadf I picked up my guitar and started working on my new song, I figured it was the closest thing I could do to giving my brother a hug. Drew and I never were boxers like in the movie, didn't need boxing, we had music. The two of us sitting downstairs in the basement in Lucerne listening to album after album. When we had a new song to listen to or a new album we made sure we knew it backwards and forewards. It was down in that basement where I learned to appreciate music. That's where I knew deep down I wanted to be a musician too, just like my brother.

Over the years we have had our ups and downs. There were a lot of times we were there for each other, there some time that we weren't. In the end the only thing that really maters is that we love each other, even when "we" get in the way of that. You know as many problems as we both have I feel so silly for being so pissed at him for not taking his music further. It was important for me at that time to stay pissed at him for not moving forward, it kept my mind off of dealing with the fact that I didn't move at all.

These days we both are making strides in moving forward, well some days are strides, the others just steps. That's how it goes right? We can't live life in a catchy hook and chorus, it's verse chorus verse, ups and downs, just like every song I heard in the basement.

Not sure what else I can say tonight, so I'll just say good night.

Till next time Party People
Keep on a Chooglin!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Weirdest thing just happened.

Morning Party People,

Ok this isn't some monumental thing that's altered the fabric of realty or anything but hey, I need to keep writing and not all of my observations are going to be the Theory of Relativity =P

I woke up this morning and finished watching Death Becomes Her, if you've never seen it before it's like a zombie film for chicks in the 80's. Afterwards I turned on Modern Warfare and started blasting fools like it was indeed no thang. after one match of playing a wave of boredom ran over me in which I ooked at my cat and said,"This sucks, I think I want to do something else."

The only thing that seemed like a good idea was to brew a pot of coffee and sit right here and write to you guys. Like I said this isn't some monumentous thing , just know that in my mind this is as much fun as playing Modern Warfare.

Oh hey my LLC is almost official! Awesome huh? My sweetie Jennie did something very special for me. This was so touching that it's still settling in for me. She went to Denver this past week to visit her family and in her trip she went to the Denver Art Mueseum. I'm not sure if she got this in the giftshop or not but she got me a card holder for my business! That wasn't the half of it, when she got back she had it engraved with the company name as well as mine on it! How awesome is that ?

I find as the years go on presents while fewer and farther between become more and more special. You know how they say it's the thought that counts? I think this is what they mean. Speaking of awesome thoughtfull things. On the 18th of this month my cousin and his sweetie are throwing their holliday party, last year they were nice enough to throw my Birthday into the celebration just like they offered to do this year! I'm looking forward to it a great deal, I want to bake something awesome for them, so I have two weeks to figure something out, any suggestions?

Till next time Party People,
Keep on a Chooglin!